
Wishful Doing is our Philosophy

Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven is a product design studio, however in a very different way. We design value chains, from raw material all the way up to product and the consumer experience. Because our projects are so new, different and sometimes radical we like to experiment, test and design the entire value chain to finish with a Proof of Principle.

There is a lot to consider and so much involved in making new products based on new materials that an average design process takes up to a year. In this design process we are all sorts of things, inventors, producers, designers, philosophers, activists, business men, volunteers and bank. It is obvious you can’t always explain what we do in one sentence but I am happy to say that eventually every successful project can be explained in just that single sentence.

Our aim is to seek opportunities where they are missed and to simply do good. Our projects have given us unique insight in the design process and the methods have proven themselves. At this moment three of our projects have made a successful transition from being Proof of Principle to Sustainable Business, something of which we are very proud.

Exhibits and Fairs

Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven makes around 2 public appearances per year. At international fairs and exhibitions, in art galleries and self initiated presentations.
Our last presentation was at The Dutch Design Week 2016, we presented the progress on one of our most ambitious projects, AlgeaFabrics. This project won the Global Change Award from H&M Foundation in 2016.


Please send us an email to receive a press link to high resolution pictures and written content for publications in print or blog.


Tjeerd Veenhoven is an accomplished lecturer on design thinking, social entrepreneurship
and sustainability. If you want to give your audience an insightful perspective on this
please contact at info@tjeerdveenhoven.com.
For online lectures, see the online video page.

Design Methods